Infectious Diseases in Dog and Cats
(incl. tax)
This webinar will cover an overview of infectious diseases, as well as focusing on some specific diseases that affect dogs and cats. Diseases covered will include common diseases, as well as those that can affect humans. A key area of discussion will be the role pet owners have in the prevention of these diseases.
Recording from 18.10.2017

Lindsay grew up in the Bayside area and studied Veterinary Science at the University of Melbourne. Since graduating she has worked in Adelaide, Melbourne and the United Kingdom. She has an interest in small animal medicine, and has attained her Membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (MANZCVS) in Small Animal Medicine, and has a Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice in Small Animal Medicine (CertAVP (SAM)) from Liverpool University. In her spare time she enjoys travel and photography.